Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Going Local

One of the most rewarding things I’ve done recently involved being stripped to my boxers and sponged down, before dancing enthusiastically before an audience who were paying for the privilege of watching. No, I’m not describing some sordid moonlighting to supplement my meagre income – this is actually a scene from Godspell, a musical based on the gospel of Matthew.

I did this as part of a local amateur dramatics company. As amateurs we did it for fun, and loved it, as did the people who saw it (so they told me)! I remember seeing a friend of mine in the (very profound) ‘Frankenstein, the Panto,’ last Christmas, and it was genuinely one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Local productions may not yield the most polished performances, but when you know someone, it brings a level of engagement and entertainment you don’t get on the West End.

What’s true of faintly exhibitionistic musicals is true of many local activities – you get the fun of being involved! Whether it’s sports, music, gala-days, barbecues or even political debate, being a part of something local is great! You may be more impressed by the ball skills of the Arsenal defense, but a Saturday-league Dynamo Botley match can be just as exciting, – especially if you’re friends with the team, and certainly if you’re playing. Local activities = involvement = excitement!

So, it’s time for local activities to shed their stigma. A ‘community project’ is more than ‘a diversionary tactic for youths nearing an ASBO’ (although if it achieves this, it’s doing something worthy). Local community activity for its own sake is great – you don’t have to change the world (just your estate/village/gated community!) Local people in local communities – let’s get involved in local things; get to know our neighbours; and possible enjoy ourselves more than we ever expected. Unite! We have nothing to lose but our trousers!

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